1. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2020-2025)

    The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is a document that is updated every five years and released in partnership by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The document provides nutritional information and recommendations for all Americans…Read More

  2. Immunodeficiency: Compromised Immune System

    The immune system’s job is to protect us from infections by warding off harmful microbes like bacteria and viruses. It can also recognize and respond to unhealthy or abnormal cells, such as those that have been affected by infection or cancer. Immunodeficiency, the term used to describe the state …Read More

  3. Improving Your Muscular Endurance

    Muscular endurance refers to the ability of a muscle to exert force for a consistent and repeatedly for over a period of time. When most people think of muscular endurance, they think of it as stamina. The muscles have to have an advanced level of endurance to avoid injury or extreme fatigue. By doi…Read More

  4. The Best and Worst Sleeping Position for Your Spine

    If you’ve ever woken up with a tingling arm or achy neck, you’ve experienced the negative effects of sleeping in the wrong position. The key is alignment: When you sleep with your spine in a neutral position, it reduces the strain on your back and neck. It also helps to sleep on a firm surface. …Read More

  5. Chiropractic for those with Desk Jobs

    While some workplace injuries occur due to accidents, many are the result of strain and stress placed on the body due to repetitive tasks. Although many view a desk job as not physically demanding, a lot of desk job employees tend to develop similar issue due to the repetition in their daily work li…Read More

  6. Got a Headache? Chiropractic can help!

    There are a lot of triggers that can cause headaches such as lifestyle choices, underlying health conditions, genetic, postural, etc. In mostly 95% of headache cases, the headaches are the result of muscle tension in the neck and/or upper back. This is due to the patient spending long hours in one f…Read More

  7. Chiropractic Benefits for Those Suffering from Herniated Discs

    A herniated disc is when the outer portion of one of the vertebral discs has been torn, allowing the inner portion of the disc to protrude through. This is why herniated discs are sometimes referred to as ruptured discs or slipped discs. If a patient has this condition, it can be very dangerous beca…Read More

  8. Chiropractic for Scoliosis

    Scoliosis is a sideway curvature of the spine that can lead to a diminished quality of life. It keeps those affected from fully participating in physical activities due to pain, restricted respiratory function, and diminished self-esteem. Despite this affecting over 7 million people, the cause of sc…Read More

  9. Benefits of Physical Activities

    Since the beginning of last year, more people have been working and learning from home than ever before. Due to this exponential growth, those staying at home are becoming sedentary and getting out of shape. Everyone should still try to be active in these times because being cooped up all day workin…Read More

  10. Hypertension: Global Health Concern

    Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a significant and growing global health concern. Due to hypertension, about 7.5 million people die each year. This is because hypertension is the leading risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and premature death. It is expected that the number of individuals…Read More