1. Water Workout for Back Pain

    Since back pain is often the result of having weak back muscles, many professionals recommend the combination of exercise and therapy in order to relieve the pain. One of the best ways to exercise without straining your joints, etc. is by doing water workouts. A water workout is a low-impact exercis…Read More

  2. Importance of Stretching

    Stretching is a great preventive measure for different injuries and helps to maintain an anti-aging effect on the body. Many patients/ athletes are able to avoid back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, etc. by incorporating a quality stretching routine in their daily lives. The reason why stretching ca…Read More

  3. How Chiropractic Care Can Help Fix Your Text Neck

    In this new age of technology, a new set of health problems have emerged such as “text neck”. This pain is usually experienced when a lot of pressure is placed on the neck and spine due to poor posture when using devices such as a cell phone, tablet, laptop, etc. When the neck is constantly bent…Read More

  4. Chiropractic for those with Desk Jobs

    While some workplace injuries occur due to accidents, many are the result of strain and stress placed on the body due to repetitive tasks. Although many view a desk job as not physically demanding, a lot of desk job employees tend to develop similar issue due to the repetition in their daily work li…Read More

  5. Got a Headache? Chiropractic can help!

    There are a lot of triggers that can cause headaches such as lifestyle choices, underlying health conditions, genetic, postural, etc. In mostly 95% of headache cases, the headaches are the result of muscle tension in the neck and/or upper back. This is due to the patient spending long hours in one f…Read More

  6. Chiropractic for Scoliosis

    Scoliosis is a sideway curvature of the spine that can lead to a diminished quality of life. It keeps those affected from fully participating in physical activities due to pain, restricted respiratory function, and diminished self-esteem. Despite this affecting over 7 million people, the cause of sc…Read More

  7. Benefits of Physical Activities

    Since the beginning of last year, more people have been working and learning from home than ever before. Due to this exponential growth, those staying at home are becoming sedentary and getting out of shape. Everyone should still try to be active in these times because being cooped up all day workin…Read More

  8. Hypertension: Global Health Concern

    Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a significant and growing global health concern. Due to hypertension, about 7.5 million people die each year. This is because hypertension is the leading risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and premature death. It is expected that the number of individuals…Read More

  9. The Truth about Sleep

    No one can dispute the restorative value of sleep. Yet, when it comes to the amount of sleep you need, more isn’t necessarily better. According to research, seven to nine hours of sleep per night is recommended for adults. However, approximately 4% to 6% of individuals worldwide habitually oversle…Read More

  10. Exercising with Chiropractic

    In general, a reasonable amount of exercise is recommended for patients undergoing chiropractic treatment. Many studies have found that exercise is important in managing acute and chronic pain. This is because it was found that the strength of the abdominal muscles differentiated between those with …Read More