1. Massage Therapy Benefits

    Massage used to be considered an indulgence, but it’s now recognized as a legitimate therapy for some painful conditions. Therapeutic massage may relieve pain by way of several mechanisms, including relaxing painful muscles, tendons, and joints; relieving stress and anxiety; and possibly helping t…Read More

  2. Indoor Air Pollutants

    How much time do you spend inside your home or other buildings? For most people, it’s quite a bit of time, particularly for those living in colder climates! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that in the United States, people spend 90% of their time on average indoors. As a result…Read More

  3. Getting Sick while Traveling: How to Reduce your Risk

    It’s not uncommon to experience gastrointestinal distress or to catch a respiratory illness during or shortly after traveling. According to a cohort study involving 460 subjects, 79% of participants reported illness during travel or following their trip. Several factors increase your risk of getti…Read More

  4. Meditation: For Physical and Mental Health

    Meditation is a practice originating in India and described in the ancient Hindu Vedic texts as a set of techniques to connect to one’s inner self and reach an altered state of consciousness. Today, meditation is also a popular practice among western countries. Meditation is a virtually risk-free …Read More

  5. Massage Therapy

    Massage therapy has been around for thousands of years. Ancient cultures documented the use of massage, including Hindus, Persians, and Egyptians, who used massage to cure many different illnesses and ailments. Massage is still widely accepted as both a tool for relaxation and stress relief and also…Read More

  6. Seasonal Allergies

    Seasonal allergies are sometimes dismissed as a common nuisance; however, they can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life. If you experience seasonal allergies, it’s important not to underestimate their severity and the importance of managing the condition in order to obtai…Read More

  7. Preventable Type 2 Diabetes

    Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is when the body does not make or use insulin properly, which causes blood sugar to rise to unhealthy levels. With a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes comes a significantly increased risk of many other illnesses or comorbidities such as kidney disease, high cholesterol, high blood …Read More

  8. Remedies for Chronic Pain

    Pain is a natural part of life and nearly everyone has experienced pain as a result of injury or illness. However, long-term pain, known as chronic pain, is a disorder and often requires medical treatment. Various estimates of chronic pain suggest that approximately 20 to 40% of adult individuals in…Read More

  9. Post-Concussion Nutrition Healing

    Concussions are traumatic brain injuries caused by any sufficiently hard blow to the head. The rapid movement of the brain can cause the neurons to tear and brain tissues to change shape, which can damage the brain cells. While concussions can cause immediate symptoms, such as a temporary loss of co…Read More

  10. Chiropractic Care for Children

    The nervous system is important because it allows the brain to communicate with the rest of the body. When the spine is restricted in range of motion or not moving properly, it can interfere with this nervous system function. Getting one’s spine checked by a chiropractor and adjusted has to do wit…Read More